Star Trek Starfleet Command 3 Mods

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  4. Starfleet Command 2 Mods
  5. Star Trek Starfleet Command 3 Mods

Star Trek Starfleet Command III Mods. Dominion Wars Mod v4.6.4 Single Download. 171 MB; 14 downloads; Category Name Mods Downloads Total size Last update. Those not using DirectX® 9.0c (or newer version) is urged to update to the latest version of DirectX® for Multi-Player in Star Trek Starfleet Command III® as DirectPlay® components of DirectX 9.0c (and newer) is not compatible with earlier versions of DirectX® and may cause drops in missions, out of sync, or severe lag during game play.

Finding cloaked ships

Before a ship cloaks, enable 'Follow Target'. When the ship cloaks, you will not be able to target it, but will be facing it when it decloaks. When a ship cloaks, you can still see the shadow if it moves over you. You can also see it on the map by dragging the pointer over it. If you are facing a cloaked ship and do not have the Anti-Cloak, try to use the colored bars when you turn your ship. This will help you decide which shield section to send power to.

ModsFree hull repair

After getting hull damage during a mission campaign or conquest mode, complete the mission, then go to a planet or starbase. Choose the 'Refit' option. Do not do anything on the refit screen except selecting the 'Accept' option. You will return to the map screen with a repaired hull.

Increased prestige

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the '' file in the 'filesactivisionsf3metaassetsserverprofilessingleplayer' folder. Find the line that reads '// This is a characters starting prestige'. Under the '[Create/0]' header, replace the value with 200000. Note: This affects Commander mode. Also, do this for the prestige values under the '[Create/1]' header for Captain mode and the '[Create/1]' header for hard mode.

Faster officer promotion

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'score' file in the 'filesactivisionsf3metaassetssingleplayer' folder. Add the following lines to the file:

    Basic = 1.0
    Trained = 1.0
    Skilled = 1.0
    Veteran = 1.0
    Expert = 1.0
Add cloak and shields to Borg ship

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'bridge items' file in the 'activisionsfc3assetscommon settings' folder. Find and highlight the highest valued cloak and copy it. It should look like this:

    Description = 'R-CLOAK-V'
    Cost = 2500
    Mass = 700
    CloakRating = 100
    CloakCost = 10
    Health = 30
    Race = 'R'

Paste it to the bottom of the list, then change the race 'R' to 'B' for Borg. Note: You can also change the mass so that you can fit it on any ship (down from 700 to 100). The edited portion should look like this:

    Description = 'R-CLOAK-V'
    Cost = 2500
    Mass = 100
    CloakRating = 100
    CloakCost = 10
    Health = 30
    Race = 'B'

Exit and save the file. You now have a cloak on any Borg ship.

Next, edit the 'shield items' file in the same folder. Find the highest rated Borg Shield. It should look like this:

    Description ='B-SHIELD-X'
    Strength = 32
    Efficiency = 3.0
    Cost = 2750
    Mass = 8000
    Race = 'B'
    UnavailableForRefit = 1

Highlight the 'UnavailableForRefit = 1' line and delete it. Note: You can also change the mass so that you can fit it on any ship (down from 8000 to 100). The edited portion should look like this:

Star Trek Fleet Command 3

    Description ='B-SHIELD-X'
    Strength = 32
    Efficiency = 3.0
    Cost = 2750
    Mass = 100
    Race = 'B'

Exit and save the file. You can now have shields on any Borg ship. You can also experiment with many of the other values in these files to change other ship parameters. Be careful, as this can cause the game to crash if you change the wrong value or make it too high or too low.

Starfleet Command 3 Ships

Free items in single player mode

Star Trek Starfleet Command 3 Mod Downloads

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'economy' file in the '/activisionsfc3metaassetsserverprofilessingleplayer' folder.


Locate the lines:

    0 = 0.5
    1 = 1.0
    2 = 1.2

Starfleet Command 2 Mods

And change them to:

Star Trek Starfleet Command 3 Mods

    0 = 0.0
    1 = 0.0
    2 = 0.0